Dappis training pants are cheap and they work alright. Not the greatest, but most other ones I have found are $10+. I think Dappis are only about $2 each, or less. What size would you need? I have some brand new ones if you would want to try them. I think they are size 4. They fit from about 32-40lbs, I think.
Edited to add that dappis have vinyl on the outside and are absorbant on the inside. I also tried the gerber training pants with the vinyl covers. That was a nightmare! These are a lot better. I use cloth diapers for my baby too, and I make them myself (including training pants) so I am just a bit of a cloth diaper snob, so I don't like vinyl much, but the dappis were pretty good, especially for how cheap they are. as long as you don't let them sit for more than a day before they get washed, they should be fine. Longer than that and they hold onto the pee smell, and it builds up over time. You can find them at http://www.babybestbuy.com They are called early trainer vinyl training pants.