If you find the right cloth diapering system for your lifestyle, cloth diapering can be just as easy as using disposables. My 2-year-old wore cloth diapers until she potty trained and my 3-month-old is currently using cloth diapers. They are very easy to care for. I simply store mine in a lidded trash can with a washable pail liner and throw the liner in the wash with the diapers. I have enough diapers that I end up doing a wash every other day. Washing is easy once you get into a routine. It's no more difficult than doing a regular load of laundry.
We use pocket diapers for our little one. I have a combination of Fuzzi Bunz and BumGenius One Size diapers in our collection. I've been happy with both brands. I have yet to have a poopy diaper explosion with cloth. Most leaks I've had have been because I didn't use the right insert or I didn't fasten the diaper snug enough around his legs.
Cost-wise, cloth is a big initial investment. In the long run, using cloth will probably save you a lot of money, especially if you plan to reuse the diapers for additional children. I'd estimate that we've spent about $1,000 TOTAL on cloth diapers and cloth diapering supplies (pail liners, wet bags for the diaper bag, cloth wipes, etc.) for two children. That includes enough diapers to get us through about 2 days in a variety of sizes. I didn't purchase everything at once, so that cost was spread out over the last 3 years. You can spend more or less depending on how many diapers you want in your stash and what type of diaper you plan to use. I don't *need* to purchase anything else to keep my son diapered until he potty trains, but I may add a few more boy-ish diapers to the collection as he outgrows some of his smaller ones. At nearly $10 for a package of 40 disposables, it doesn't take long to recoup the cost of cloth diapers. I haven't noticed a difference in our water and utility bill with the few extra loads of laundry each week.
If you can make it to the event that Bridget mentioned, seeing diapers in person can be a huge help. Peapods in St. Paul also has a limited selection of cloth diapering products. It honestly sounds more complicated than it really is. www.diaperpin.com is a good place to find general cloth diapering information as well as reviews for diapers and online diaper retailers. Good luck!