Try changing the baby milk to lactose free . The milk dosen't agree with the baby. most doctors feel waiting it out until ? I changed the my baby milk she felt the relieve and I did as will.
I have a 7 week old son who is colic. we have tried everything... at least i think so. Does anyone have any advise. Does it really go away after 3 months. Did your child at night move his arms and legs like crazy.
Try changing the baby milk to lactose free . The milk dosen't agree with the baby. most doctors feel waiting it out until ? I changed the my baby milk she felt the relieve and I did as will.
As a colic survivor I will tell you that it definitely does get better! I use to cry most every night during her bouts of 2-3 hours of non-stop screaming. It seemed as though nothing seemed to help her...I breastfeed and I did the elimination diet to no avail. My dd would not, and still doesn't, take a bottle of any kind. Yet I do stay away from dairy since it didn't agree with me too well. My advice with your son so young would be to read "Happiest Baby on the Block" It helped us calm her down many nights and lessen the screaming fits and get her to sleep. And do try swaddling..especially in the order the book gives. It worked wonders for us...and even helped to calm me down since it was a tool that worked most often for us. And just to be safe, test for reflux...which mimics the same as colic...yet many will say that meds did nothing for their child and that many babies, like colic, outgrow reflux at 3 months. If you get a test, like we did, you'll know for sure if you are really only dealing with colic or more for your own sanity. My dd is 5 months next week, and those crying fits have been behind us since 3.5 months of age. Don't worry this too shall pass!
Hi N.,
My daughter had colic. We also tried everything including switching to the most expensive formulas. Nothing seemed to work. I met up with an acquaintance who is a nurse and she mentioned to me to ask my pediatrician for a prescription called Levsin. I know a lot of people don't like to use prescriptions unless ABSOLUTELY necessary but being that I didn't have any more than 3 hours of sleep in a row and my days rolled into one another, I tried it. My doctor gave me the prescription. It showed signs of working that night. Not completely over that day but it definitely worked ... She was about 2 months old at the time. I don't know if you would try this but it is definitely worth speaking to your pediatrician about.
Good Luck...& yes it gets better!
Take care,
Hi, my son was colic too. Everyday around the same time he would get a colic attack until my sister told me about Gripe Water. Of course, I checked with his pediatrician and she said that it was all natural stuff so it wouldn't hurt. When I gave it to him he really he would fight me I guess because he didn't like the taste. Once I gave it to him he would let out a big burp and instant relief. From crying so much he would pass out. It was unbelievable. I used Baby Bliss Gripe Water but it seems like there are many brands out there. I bought it at natural food store.
Good Luck,
Hey N.,
i had that problem with my oldest child who will b 17 soon..i didnt know what to do either.it can become nerve wrecking and can create hair pulling moments..i truly understand.i had tried everything also but u have to take n2 consideration that its also dealing with night air and just gas period.if u have the baby out certain airy nights, try to avoid that.if not, u just have a gassy baby like i did and i literally prayed for it 2 end..however, what i did do was ask my sister for help minding him just so i wouldnt go crazy and i think he got spoiled n the process but when u need help and nothing is working u have to have someone to support and help u..hope u have someone close by to be patient and understanding.good luck
I thought my son had colic until I stopped drinking milk and removed the formula from his diet. Before I had been giving it to him twice a day and breastfeeding the rest of the time. Some babies can not digest the cows milk proteins, which are found in formula and also pass into breast milk. You may notice diarrhea and lots of gas and that he seems to be really upset right before pooping. He may also have redness around his butt from the poop irritating him. It makes sense if you think about it, cows milk is primarily made for calves to grow really fast, where human milk is made to develop a baby's brain, with proteins that are easily digested. And formula is a poor substitute for breast milk, so colic is much more common in kids who drink formula. I'm not sure if you are breastfeeding or not, but once I started breastfeeding exclusively and not eating dairy, he was a different kid.
I switched to soy milk, soy yogurt, and soy ice cream, which is not bad once you get used to it and just cut out cheese (except hard cheeses like parmesan or pecorino). It takes about 2 weeks for the cows milk protein to leave your system and his, so you have to be patint at first. Now he's almost 4 months old and I have not drank milk in about 2 months and he has been much happier. Just this past weekend I decided to test the theory and I had a slice of pizza. He has not been sleeping well since then and has had several screaming fits in the past few nights, which is not normal for him anymore, so I confirmed to myself that this is the problem.
Another thing is to go to a health food store and buy some probiotic acidophilus pills (bacteria found in yogurt which helps regulate your digestive system by killing off the bad bacteria and yeasts and helping you to digest your food better). The bacteria also passes into breast milk so your son will get the benefits and it may help his stomach.
Also try swaddling him in the Kidopotamus swaddlers. It was th only thing that my son was not able to kick out of. It kept him from flailing around at night and waking himself up. It also helped calm him so we could get him to sleep at night. Just don't use them for naps during the day and after 3 months old you should stop swaddling so it does not interfere with his motor development.
I was going insane due to my crying child and doc diagnosed it as colic. We did try Zantac, Caro syrup, massage and burping but finally got relief by using babies magic tea.
Hi N.,
My best advice after 2 colicky babies, is this...
I avoided dairy (anything I did not digest well made it horrible for my babies), I made a tea with fennel seed, anise seed, dill seed, and cumin seed crushed and steeped with some ginger extract and honey, and each evening I took a product called "Gas & Bloating" by Aboca, an Italian herbal company that is sold in select health food stores... it made a huge difference. It went through my breast milk and my baby would sleep all night when I did that regime (waking up to nurse but falling right back asleep), whereas any night I did not take my tea & herbs he would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep, fussing and restless (not to mention screaming episodes in the early evening!).
PS- gripe water is a good suggestion, but not the kind of thing you want to be giving several times a day as every brand I've seen contains some alcohol and since babies are so small it is too much for them to have it repeatedly.
Yes, this too shall pass- you're a good mom! Don't take it personally (in the beginning I used to feel like he was screaming AT ME and I would cry).
Hi N.! I feel your pain! It feels like just yesterday i was going through the same thing with my son! IT DOES GET BETTER!! After about 3 months (which seems like forever!) I did things like I tape recorded the sounds of the dishwasher, vacume cleaner, the blow dryer so I had it on hand whenever I needed it. Another thing that worked for me, is when he would start (which for my son he started at about 8 in the morning and stopped about 6pm-- I would put him in his stroller and I would power walk w/ him around the neighborhood-- I got some well needed exersise and he calmed down! Sadly though nothing worked for too long! Good luck with this, but do know it does get better : )
hi N., my son is 3 months and also went through a colic phase. he actually has been a little better since turning 3 months. what helped us was switching formulas (he is on nutramigen)as well as gripe water (can be found in health food stores). it is a herbal remedy made of fennel and ginger and helps with colic and gas. my son has some gas issues and i believe that contributed to his colic. also, my daughter was diagnosed as colic at 5 weeks but it turned out to be reflux. when a baby is colicy, there is usually a reason for his distress. speak with your pediatrician and rule out any issues there may be. if your son is healthy and there are no medical reasons for his colic, then have faith in the old "this too shall pass" saying. i know you probably don't want to hear that, but it is true! after 3 months, babies are more adjusted to their new world and are more interested in the people and things around them. they do becomr happier! good luck!
Whenever our daughter had a bout, we would take her into the bathroom and run the shower with hot water to steam the bath up. After about 15 minutes, she was back to normal and back to bed. She outgrew it after about a year or so.
I could give you the entire encyclopeia on colic. Colic is not always colic have your baby check for ACID REFULX. They usually diagnos it as colic. and they are quick to do so.
If you have a washer or dryer turn it on, put a balanket over it and lay the baby on it. It calms them. It was the only way to get my girl to stop crying.
Yes it does go away. And its usually once they are able to sit up on their own.
Dont give extra bottles it upset them more. I have read in some book the whiper or some thing that if I gave my baby extra bottles it would help her sleep through the night, all it did was make her over weight.
I'll give you more when it come to me that was a few years ago but it was one of the hardest things I had to go through so I totally relate. Pray alot. then Pray again. for patience for yourself. You'll get through it.