My son had colic and gastroesophageal reflux. This started at about 5 weeks and we thought we would never see the end of it. He was at least 10 months old before he was tolerable - day and night. But the evenings were the worst beginning around 6 p.m. and lasting until about 11 p.m. We took the advice of every book, doctor, friend, etc. None of the common remedies alone would get him to stop screaming so we began experimenting and combining recommedations. Here is what eventually worked (but was a major pain to endure every night): We took him in the bathroom, seated him on our lap facing the mirror (away from us), stuck our thumb in his mouth so he could suck on it (apparently the shape was better than the pacifier and since I was nursing perhaps the skin was somehow soothing), turned on the shower and the bathroom fan. This was all we ever found that made him happy during those hours. Good luck to you. I feel your pain.
The good news is (though it doesn't seem like it at the time) that this WILL pass. Usually no longer than when they turn 6 months. My little guy now is wonderful. Well behaved, compassionate, kind, and highly likable. I credit it to having gone through the worst in the first year. It's all been better ever since.
About me: Mother of a 4 1/2 year old boy and a little girl on the way in March. I'm a stay at home mom since my son was born and I have a loving, extremely helpful husband without whom I would never have survived those colic and reflux days. Keep us posted on how things go.