If you have not looked into it, not started, or you are not a numbers person, it would be best for you to speak with your professional financial advisor. Many people here will give advice but you need to speak with a professional when it comes to financial, medical, and legal.
That said, many places offer ways tostart college funds. We personally started when our daughter was born almost 16 yrs ago. We do have a traditional 529 plan but we also have general savings, savings bonds, numismatics, etc. Our anticipation is that our daughter's college will be in the neighborhood of $60,000 per year so that is the target we have saved for 4 yrs of college.
There are also many scholarships and financial aid options available.
Please speak with your financial advisor or banker so you can make the best decisions for your family. We are very much numbers people and we still utilize a financial advisor.
Best wishes.