If you do an ovulation calendar, it usually gives you the best three days to concieve. I tried for 5 and 1/2 years for my first, trust me!! LOL I know it's easier said then done but try to relax and it will happen. Good luck!!!
yes, i was wondering if you have sex both the 2 days before you expect your period if you can become pregnant or not. we are trying to have another one. please help if you know if this could happen or not. thanks
If you do an ovulation calendar, it usually gives you the best three days to concieve. I tried for 5 and 1/2 years for my first, trust me!! LOL I know it's easier said then done but try to relax and it will happen. Good luck!!!
Try the 10th - 13th day after the first day of your last period. I have read (and this is when we became pregnant) that this is the most successful time frame. Good luck!
If you are not on the pill and he is not wearing a condom you can get pregnant anytime you have sex. Infact I have a 10 month old to prove that you can even become pregnant while you are on the pill and when your husband is wearing a condom.
My best advice, try not to try so hard. Enjoy each other once you put stress on your body I am convinced that it will refuse to become pregnant. I fyou try too hard sex becomes a job and rarely do people enjoy their jobs. If it's ment to be it will be, like I said even trying hard not to become pregnant you can still become pregnant.
i was told the best time to concieve is between the 10th and 13th after your period, thats when you're the most fertile
you can get pregnant any time even when on your period good luck!
i don't think so. go to www.babycenter.com and there is an ovulation calculator to help figure out when the best time is to become pg.
It's possible but unlikely. Buy (or get it from the library) the book "Taking Control of Your Fertility". It will explain how to track your fertility by taking your temperature and checking other body indicators.
Good Luck!
Everyone's cycle is different. I know women who have conceived duing their periods, and tried for months when they expected they were ovulating without becoming pregnant. I'd say do some research about how to determine your fertility window (like basal body temp, etc.). There are some other ways to figure it out, too, but I don't want to gross anyone out by posting it here. The info is on the net. Just do a search for trying to conceive or fertility, and you'll come across a few ways to tell.
Good luck!
A., the chances are of you getting pg with sex 2 days before period is very unlikely. Most women ovulate about 14 days before expected period. But every woman and every cycle is different. I would try this, once your period is over, have sex every other day until you have your period again. That way the cances of catching the egg is pretty high. We did that for awhile when ttc our son. It's not always successful, but it's worth a try and fun too.
Hope this helps,
I believe the best time is when you are ovulating which is usually two weeks before your period.
Good luck.
Hi A.! I am not a doctor and not a resident expert on the matter, but I have done a lot of reading on the subject when we were trying to conceive my daughter 2 years ago.
The chances are slim that you will conceive that late in your cycle. Most women are fertile about a week or so after they finish their period (day 14ish). BUT that is not true for everyone. I read an article that said that not all women are fertile at that time and some women could even release eggs multiple times during their cycle. Sorry I can't refference the article exactly. Try babycenter.com or ivillage.com, they have tons of information on the topic.
Good luck! We are about to start trying for #2 so I know how anxious you feel!
I learned in nursing school that you ovulate about 12- 15 days after you stop your period. I believe you have about a three day window for conception. If you want to plan a pregnancy. Take your basal temp each morning. ( take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed) When you notice a change in normal, that is wnen you are ovulating. Good luck!!
You're probably waiting too late in your cycle. If you have a typical 28 day cycle, you ovulate about day 14 (approx 1/2 way through your cycle). You can use those ovulation predictor kits (pee on a stick like pregnancy tests) if you aren't regular and want some assurance that you're trying on the "right" days.
Good luck!
My doctor told me that my husband and I would need to have intercourse every other day begining 12 days after the last day of my period.
When my husband and I were trying to conceive again after a miscarriage, my doctor said usually between 10-13 days after your period is the best time to conceive. She said your body kind of lets you know when it's close to being time because you give off sort of a lubricating discharge. She said the closer to your period, the less likely due to where the egg is moving. I don't remember all the technical stuff becasue it's been a few years since we were trying. Hope it helps! Good luck!!
You need to have sex the week after your peiod. Your cycle starts the day you start your period and you ovulate about day 10-14 of you cycle. Hope this helps.