Hello C.,
If you don't mind getting/waking up at night you can try to transition to a reverse cycle (nursing more at night, pumping less during the day).
Stopping or reducing pumping during the day does not mean that you must wean completely, Our bodies are amazing in that they can adjust when and how much milk we produce to meet our baby's needs.
Please contact your la leche league and I am sure you can find help (also kellymom.com is a great resource to start).
And just a little reminder: MANY babies are raised without cow's milk and it is NOT a must for good nutrition. Your baby can get all of her nutrients from other sources, contact a nutritionist if you have to. The only two reasons while we think cow's milk is important are 1. it is relatively cheap and easy to obtain and 2. the dairy industry spent a whole bunch of money to convince us and our doctors that we NEED it. There is no sense in pushing cow's milk on a baby that does not tolerate it well. And I am not some crazy vegan saying this, I personally love cow's milk - but it simply is not for every one.