I do not have any experience with this exact thing, but I can definately relate to staring. My son is almost 8 and acts about 3 or 4 sometimes due to his autism.
It sometimes helps to make people aware that you notice they are staring. Be suttle and do it in a positive manner to keep your daughter from realizing what you are doing (by the time she is old enough to realize, you should be a pro at doing this).
I suggest that you simply comment TO your CHILD in a voice loud enough to be heard by those staring (but not loud enough to come across as "obnoctious") that "God made you special and you are just SO BEAUTIFUL!" A lot of times this brings a smile to the face of the starers who are meerly curious and not really realizing they are staring.
You are blessed to be her mother; I can tell you are blessed by her in return.
In Christ,
P. <><