I wanted to post my feelings on homeschooling as someone that has been through it.
My parents had two fears when it came to my sisters and I attending school – 1.) that we would be bored because in school the teacher has to deal with an entire classroom of kids and they were sure that we would be way ahead of everyone; and 2.) that we would be subjected to horrible, worldly things.
So my sisters and I were homeschooled from the beginning. Let me get it out there that all three of us hated it and would never think of subjecting our children to that horrible experience. Every day I begged and begged to go to real school, but to no avail.
Here are the reasons that we hated it:
1.) No matter how hard you try, the social learning is not there. My mom had us in tons of homeschooling groups, we were very active in our church (there 3 times per week), we played with the neighborhood kids every day, and we were very active in gymnastics and other sports (gymnastics had practice at least 3 times per week up to 5 days per week as we got better). Even with all of this, we never got to learn how to deal with everyday interaction with kids. We didn’t learn how to deal with bullies (I know we never want our kids to experience that, but every child will at some point). We didn’t have to learn how to deal with teachers with different teaching styles (a very valuable lesson when it comes to higher education or even learning how to deal with bosses/coworkers in the future). We didn’t learn how to deal with disappointments such as not getting the teacher we wanted, or not being in class with our best friend, etc. I could go on and on. And as small as these things seem to be, they are very important lessons for the real world.
2.) We were so far behind all of the other kids when it came to what we were learning. I understand that there are different options for curriculums, etc., but please think about this logically…teachers go to school for a while in order to be teachers. What qualifications do you have to teach your children? I know that I am a college educated, intelligent person, but there is no way I could teach my kids everything they are currently learning without having to re-teach some of it to myself. And even if you think that is fine, once they get to a certain age, there will be a point you will hit material that you will really have to learn in order to teach it to them, and I do not think that is good for the kids…what if they still don’t understand it? You don’t have the knowledge to be able to present it a different way if you’re just learning it yourself.
3.) We missed out on the fun activities at school. I know this sounds silly and not really a reason to not send your kids to school, but I feel like I missed out on so much fun! Everything my daughter does (i.e. making her Valentine’s Day box) my husband has so much fun remembering what his was like each year when he was in school, or how he did something just like what my kids are doing now. I have to admit I am living vicariously through my daughter as she gets to do all of these fun things!
4.) We were made fun of all the time. I know I said we played with the neighborhood kids, and we were all great friends, but they still made fun of us…as any kid did when they learned we didn’t go to real school. My mom tried her best to get me into so many school activities – we went to the school for school pictures, and I played in the middle school bad. What she doesn’t understand is that it was so embarrassing because I wasn’t a part of those kids. They just viewed me as this weirdo that showed up for 5th period everyday.
I don’t have time to get into much else. I just wanted to let you know what it was like. My sisters and I ended up going to private school in 7th grade, and then public school later on. We all had a hard time adjusting and catching up, but we were so determined to stay in school that we did whatever it took. When I started school, I started with a fellow homeschooler, who had also been in our homeschooling group, and we both shared the same struggles.
I can’t emphasize enough how important the social learning is, and I don’t just mean with friends…I mean learning about different authority figures, and learning about how to deal with disappointments. I also wanted to let you know that you can’t shelter your kids forever. The minute they are “released,” whether it’s at a later grade in school, in college, or after that, they will be exposed to all kinds of bad things, and it would have been so much easier on my sisters and I if we had learned how to deal with those things at a younger age. To walk into public school for the first time and hear cussing all around us and see kids making out in the hallways was a lot to handle when thrown into it without any warning.
Like I said, I just wanted to put this out there from the viewpoint of someone that has been through it. Please feel free to message me if you have any further questions.