CONGRATULATIONS on being a breast cancer survivor!! THAT ROCKS!!!
My girlfriend from HS had this procedure done. She has lost over 150 lbs.
It was NOT easy. The first week you will be eating baby food and broth. And SLOWLY working your way to solid foods over the first month.
When your stomach tells you "I'm full" you MUST listen to it - do NOT take one more bite....she said the pain of not listening to the stomach is horrible!
my best friend is having it done on the 24th of January. She's NOT morbidly obese - but is considered obese (she has 70 lbs to lose) she has tried weight watchers, nutri-system, curves, all of it. her health insurance will pay for 90% of the procedure.
you will NOT be able to drink carbonated drinks anymore. If you drink alcohol, it is STRONGLY suggested that you stop as it won't take much to get you drunk.
You will be on vitamin supplements for the rest of your life.
In order to keep the "flappy" skin away - you MUST exercise...even walking 15 minutes a day will help...don't jump into exercise full board...start with walking, then maybe lifting the laundry detergent bottle to get the arms firmed up...you don't need to go buy expensive equipment.
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Best of luck to you!!