Hello! I don't know where you live or what county you live in. I sympathsize with your problems, we too are having problems with our Elementary school - spelling words from the teacher coming home wrong, grammatical errors on newsletters from the school and general safety concerns for our children.
YES!! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!! Your children are our future! Do you want them going through life learning wrong? NO! You don't have to be critical - try humor first, if that doesn't work - tell him/her seriously that you are concerned about your child's education if they can't get things right. No, you aren't expecting them to be perfect, however, if things are computer-generated, spell checks work! STRONGLY suggest it. Keep all of the errors, etc. as proof should you need to escalate this.
We tried talking with the Principal regarding our issues - all she ever wanted to do was "have a meeting to discuss the issues and concerns" but couldn't simply give us an answer to our questions or address our concerns. We have since elevated our concerns to the Superintendant. Spelling words, homework grammatical errors, the whole thing - she made excuses instead of trying to fix it. For me, that's the wrong answer.
Let me know how things work out! You are your child's advocate - no one else can do it but you. Your child deserves the best education possible whether he/she is going to public or private school. Hold teachers and/or administrators to the fire for errors. Set your level of expectations - because your children are learning from you and the staff at their school....if they see things like that they will ASSUME it's right and copy it.
Take care!