Try using the other type of cereal...sorry I know that most Mom' s will automatically go to the Rice cereal and I was told that it can actually make constipation worse. Good Luck
My little girl, Liliana, will be 6 mo on the 23rd..I have been battling constipation with her for about a month and a half. I have upped her water intake, she gets a couple ounces of prune juice every day and I have been feeding her pears with her cereal.She is pooping like she is a 3 year old! It has to hurt! Sometimes there is a little blood in her stool and I know its from it being sooo big! The past week she will have a little wet gas in her diaper and then I have to give her a supository to get her to poop. I also tried stimulating her anas to get her to poop and that has not helped either. I am running out of ideas..There are times when her little tummy is soo hard and I feel sooo bad! I don't know what to do! Does anyone have any suggestions for things that I haven't tried?? I'm going to take her to the dr next week for her 6 month checkup. I have asked her dr before and he told me to up her prune juice intake and water intake, which has had no effect on her:-(
Thank you in advance for your help!
So to add another update to this, I took a sample of her poop to the dr and he freaked out! so he gave me a prescription for Miralax and she is pooping sooo much better now!!!!
Try using the other type of cereal...sorry I know that most Mom' s will automatically go to the Rice cereal and I was told that it can actually make constipation worse. Good Luck
Try a little bit of blackstrap malassis (sp?). You should be able to find it at health food stores. I know what your going through. Using the malassis works. Good Luck
My son had the same problem when he was only a few months old. His doctor recommended dark karyo syrup, 1/4 tsp per 4 oz. (I think). Apple juice works well for him now (he's 16 months). I would also try feeding oatmeal cereal instead of rice. Stay away from bananas, they are constipating. My son loves bananas so I have to give him apple juice with his banana or his stool becomes hard.
Obviously, check with your doctor first before trying anything.
Good luck!
My Aunt's little one had trouble with Constipation from the time she stopped nursing, she still does have trouble and she is 5 1/2. The doctor prescribed Miralax which is now over the counter but I would check with your doctor first. There is also Benefiber but I am not sure if you can give that at six months. If they don't give you a better answer at your next check up get a second opinion. You know your child best and being constipated is so painfull!!!!
Good Luck to you and your little one.
We went through this with our daughter (now 9 and doing fine).
Our Dr. told us to give her a tsp. of mineral oil daily. Keep it in the fridge and it goes down better. I agree with the other responses though and check with your DR.
Did the constipation start around the time you started solids or introduced a new food? It very common for children to become constipated when they a sensitive or allergic to food. You may want to try a different cereal and see if that helps. Good luck :) T.
Our doctor prescribed a powder that we mix in fluid and it works wonders to soften the stool. I use it every so often. When it was first prescribed I used it twice a week. Our doctor said anything with a letter P is non-constipating along with beans. Avoid bananas and apples. More fiber. Chick Peas are super high on fiber and so is Healthy Choice bread. Maybe there is a powder that can help. Ask about flax seed to see if that would be helpful for constipation.
I went through this with one of my twins, and besides increasing the veggies and fruit, I used a little bit of Karo syrup in his bottles. It is a pretty quick fix, but better check with the DR. first.
Hi K.,
My oldest was extremely constipated as a baby because she was allergic to dairy. Once I took the dairy out of my diet (she was breastfed), the constipation went away. I would suggest you take all dairy products out of her diet and see if that helps.
My sister's son had major problems with constipation around the same age. She had the best luck with the second type of medication the doctor prescribed for him. If it were me, I would ask about medication, and if one doesn't work, ask for another kind. I don't know the name of the med she used, but if you want me to, i could find out. just email me thru this site.
For my own trouble with constipation, I use flax seed with great success. You can buy it in the milled form at Super Wal-mart, and you might be able to use that with your daughter- but I am NOT a doctor, so I would definitely check with a doc or a dietitian to see how much you would use and if it is safe for babies.