We have a 2 1/2 year old and a 3 month old baby. Life is wonderful but its crazy, busy and hectic. I have family near me,so I thankfully have a lot of help. My husband is also a hands on dad, so except for nursing, he helps out a lot too.
We tried to prepare my older son for me going away to the hospital and having a baby brother, but I don't think too much got through. He loved his baby brother from the start, but was absolutely terrified when the baby cried. He was also very traumatized by me going away (my hospital stay was 5 days - I had a C section).
Things are much better now. He still cries if I go out without him, which he never did before we had the baby. There were a few weeks of horrible tantrums, but once his schedule was back in place things calmed down.
I look forward to them playing together and growing up together, and hopefully being best friends for life. For now big brother gives lots of kisses and is learning how to play peek a boo with his little brother. Little brother looks adoringly at big brother is smiles and laughs at him. They are absolutely adorable together.
Whatever you decide I wish you the best.