Dear J.,
As a mother who has had her last child move out of the home recently....I have found a great habit. One day a week I will cook up several entrees....one or two on stove top, one in the oven and maybe one in the microwave. Then after they are cooled, I divide them up in to smaller "2 meal" and "1 meal" containers and some are frozen and some are put in the refrigerator to be eaten in the next few days.
This has become quite the time and money saver and allows for alot of choices..... I do all of my shopping, then cooking, and then clean up AT ONE TIME. I have also found that I eat much better during the day because a healthy meal is already prepared and we save ALOT of money because my husband enjoys taking "home cooked" meals to work instead of going out to eat. It has even allowed him to take care of other needs at lunch instead of sitting in a restuarant waiting on others to cook the meal.
In addition about twice a week I cut up a big salad and keep extra salad "fixings" on hand.
And with all the time I have saved, I am able to pursue other interests....YEAH!