Hmmm... it could be either the past medicine or the fact that she almost died! It may take her a little bit longer to get on track if she has had a tramatic experience in her life. Consult with the school counselor or diagnostician. Let her teacher know all about her past so she can work with you more closely on how yall can overcome any problems. It is important for the teacher to know if she had any past medical issues because this is the age where you are going to see things come up that may be caused by tramatic experiences earlier in life. She's probably not permantly damaged by her past, it just might take her a bit more time to catch on. There is nothing wrong with that, at this age students are at many different learning levels for many different reasons, this is just her reason. Again you might want to consult with the counselor or diagnostician for a game plan if you are really concerned. Best wishes.