Of my twin four year olds, one was diagnosed with an allergy to cow milk at 15 months. She did okay on formula (if seemed), but every 3-4 days she would belch this really harsh sounding burp then vomit up mucusy cottage cheese looking gunk. Like projectile vomit. Out the nose even.
Pediatrition kept saying she was having a reflux 'relapse' from being premmie. My Mom kept saying it sounded like allergy to her but the Ped didn't think so. We took her to a gastroenterologist at Childrens Hospital and she determined it WAS a milk allergy.
Anyway, sister has complained of tummy pain for about two years. We have tried all kinds of things and I finally took her to the same gastro. After blood tests and barium x-rays showed nothing, we tried lactose free, lower sugar (no sugar without fiber) and added probiotics. She is lactose intolerant and is one of those kids that stays a bit constipated. So lactase enzyme and miralax.
Both girls would have restless nights and whining in their sleep, until the problems were discovered. I asked the ped gastro why DD #1 on vomitted every 3-4 days if she was allergic and got milk every day. She said that her body was delaying absorbtion of the milk protein as it "knew" it wasn't good for her and since her body didn't want to absorb it it came back up curdled due to stomach acid and full of mucus because her body was trying to coat her stomach to protect it from absorbing the proteins.
Amazing what our bodies will do to protect itself!