Cramps and Spotting! Help!

Updated on June 01, 2008
G.S. asks from Van Nuys, CA
5 answers

Two days ago, I found out I am pregnant, maybe 5 weeks along. During the past 3 weeks or so (before I knew I was pregnant) I experienced a little bit of brownish and light pink spotting. I also noticed red blood during sexual intercourse. On one day only, I had moderately painful cramps (which I usually never get). Anyway, The doctor said these symptoms may be normal, but I am still worried. My first prenatal appointment is almost two weeks away, and they won't see me sooner (HMO!).
Has anyone experienced this, and if so, what happened? Should I be worried, or is it really normal? It seems like forever to have to wait so long for answers!

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answers from Honolulu on

Some women experience spotting during pregnancy and it is nothing. Some women get spotting and it is a miscarriage.

Really can't be so sure, until you get checked. I can't believe your doctor won't see you earlier. That is... flabbergasting. When that happens.. .my doctor has me come in that same day.

Well, that did happen to me once, and unfortunately, I had a miscarriage. But my spotting occurred over the course of 3 days and quickly progressed from brownish coloring, to BRIGHT red....I did not have cramping however.

Every person is different. Perhaps, go to an ER... and get checked out... since your Doctor will not see you any sooner. That's what I would do.

The cramps...could be due to anything...intercourse and the uterus contracting...? Best to check it out.

Perhaps, just rest, take it easy, refrain from intercourse... and really, go see an ER doctor. For your Doctor to just say "it may be normal..." is really flaky. He should be more on the ball and see you right away. At each of my pregnancies, my Doctors office scheduled me to come in right away, so that prenatal care can begin, and any testing.

Again, it may not be anything, and "is" normal. But best to make sure.
All at the best, and try not to worry, but take are of it so you have conclusive answers,



answers from Los Angeles on

Go to the ER and get blood taken to check you pregnancy hormone level to make sure it is going up and get your progesturine level checked. Same thing is happening to me and I had low progest level and got on a dose of it right then to hold on to the pregnancy. Don't wait for 2weeks go the ER it will ease your mind. Most spotting the first 8weeks is usually normal, but don't take any chances.



answers from Los Angeles on

It is most often very normal!! With both of my pregnancies, I had period like cramps the first few weeks, as if I was getting my period. A bunch of friends have had spotting during the first 8-10 weeks and went on to have successful pregnancies and births!

Don't worry! Stress only aggravates the situation. My sister also gave me the best advice when I was worried about miscarriage during my first trimester - let mother nature (god) guide this, what is meant to be will be. It made me feel so better and I found the faith to let it be. :-)

Congrats on your exciting news!



answers from Los Angeles on

I agree with the other gals, it could go either way. However, one thing I would do is find another doctor. I've had an HMO for the past 10 years and I have 2 kids (4 & 6). If I were in your shoes and called my doctor, she would have me in that day. I know it's a pain, but better now than later. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Okay- the Doc won't see you, but can you ask for a "Viabilty Ultrasound", or a "Quantitive HCG Blood Draw" (Also know as a "Beta Test")? Also, ask for them to check your progestrone level! Low progestrone is treatable, but is also somewhat indicative of an unhealthy pregnancy. Some women naturally have low prog, and for those ladies, prog suppositories have been beneficial in increasing pg viability. I have been going through Fertility assistance, so I had a Beta the day after I found out I was pg and again a week later. I also had my first u/s at 6w 3d.

I know it's scary, and stress is the WORST thing that your baby can experience right now! Sadly, even if there is something wrong, there is NOTHING a Dr could do to change the outcome right now. I know the heart break of loosing your baby before it ever had a chance to make it. (My son has a twin that was born to Heaven instead of Earth.)

Things to keep in mind- old blood is just that, OLD! As long as the spotting is brownish, it's not a BAD sign. It is still scary, but not bad. Some cramping can even be normal! This pg I cramped for the first month after I found out I was pg. Whether this baby is Earth bond or Heaven bond, God is in control. He knows what He's doing, even if it doesn't make sense to us.

Praying for you~ J.

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