Curly Hair - Olathe,KS

Updated on January 29, 2015
M.G. asks from Olathe, KS
10 answers

Hello, I have naturally curly hair, it's gotten much curlier as I've gotten older. I'm looking for a product to help tame it. I'd like something that will give more definition to the curls and reduce the frizz, perhaps something with some silicone?? Does anyone have recommendations of products they've used and liked?

Thank you,


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answers from Chicago on

I've got crazy curly hair. I've been a hair model at a large hair show in Chicago. People stop me daily to ask me if it's my natural hair. I have spiral curls but on the frizzy side. The best product for me is by AG called recoil. I buy it at Ulta. I've been using it for about 5 years now. I've tried other products but nothing else has worked. I usually just let my hair air dry but once in a while I will diffuse it.

The older I have gotten (42 now), I can only wash my hair once a week. Sounds gross but I highly recommend doing this. I wash my hair with a product from Sallys called Hair One for curly hair.

There is a wonderful book called "Curly Girl". I haven't tried any of the suggestions but my friend just went to the Curly Girl salon in New York and they didm an amazing job on her natural curls. Finding a stylist is the hardest thing so hope you have someone you really like.

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answers from San Francisco on

I used to work with a lady who had the most gorgeous natural ringlets you ever saw in your life. (My hair is straight and fine... bleh.) Anyway, since my daughter also has curly hair, I asked this lady what she used to make her hair so beautiful. She said she uses Dove mousse. No joke, practically the cheapest stuff in the store. My daughter now uses that, too, and it works great. The challenge for my daughter is not to touch her hair. It seems like the more she touches it, the frizzier it gets.

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answers from St. Louis on

Beyond the Zone from Sally's beauty. My hair never frizzes and I get tons of compliments.

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answers from Kansas City on

I use Garnier Fructis' curly hair mousse when it's wet, then let it air dry and I rarely have problems. My hair has gotten a lot thinner and frizzier as I've gotten older/had babies, and it makes it look fuller and gives the curls a lot more definition.

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answers from Portland on

My daughter has very curly hair and she uses Aida products After trying several other.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Aphogee Gloss Therapy from Sally's.

I use the green Suave Captivating Curls mousse from Walmart. It's like whipped cream. I rub my hands together then I pull my fingers through my hair and get it all through my hair.

I flip my head forward and dry my hair around the roots. I don't blow the air around the curls just the roots.

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answers from Casper on

Super curly hair here. Wen (fig) is my go-to. I wash my hair twice a week using half the recommended amount (my hair is mid-back length). I then use two pumps in wet hair and let air dry. I have never had more compliments. I used to use Herbal Essences curly hair mousse, but I don't like my hair too shiny/ crispy looking.

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answers from Denver on

Wow- so many different brands!! I'm adding to the mix as well. I have naturally curly hair, and I use Paul Mitchell's curly products, I think they are called Round Trip. Good stuff.

For shampoo, I LOVE a brand called Deva Curl, no sulfates and things that cause frizz. It's the only shampoo that I've ever used that feels amazing when you rinse it out.


answers from Washington DC on

Honestly, it depends on way more than the fact that you have curls. Do you have a skilled stylist at a salon who you trust? If so, ask him/her. My hair is straight but has started to get some curl to it (not pretty curl) since I had surgery 2 years ago and I'm trying to keep it tame. We talk about it every few months when I go and after a year we figured out the problem. And what to do to fix it.

So definitely discuss with your stylist.

However, my daughter is mixed with her dad's hair and the best thing for her is a curling wax. We use it to flat iron or curl her hair, but it also helps to hold the curls when we want it naturally curly. I'm honestly not sure if it's for mixed hair or just curly hair, but it's made by Kera Care. Not too pricey, but I haven't seen it in Target, so we get it from her stylist.


answers from Dallas on

I have straight as a board Pocahontas hair due to my Native American heritage.

However, I've been a "model" for stylists to try things on my hair and one thing was the Chi treatment. My hair was solidly straighter when I didn't think it could be straighter and I loved the product. I paid about $200 plus product and I liked it.

What does your stylist say? She/he should know your hair type and what should work best for you and your daily routine.

My hair will never curl... I've tried. I suggest a good stylist with a good brand. Right now, I'm using Redkin Pureology and love it

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