Our older daughter got her bottom left molar as her first tooth at 2 months...then nothing else at all until 10 months.
Hi all,
This is a weird one. My baby has been fussy at the breast lately, especially during the day when she's not on nursing autopilot. I looked in her mouth while she was crying and saw a white spot on her gums in the back (upper). I'm nearly positive it's not thrush--there is only one spot, it's not cottage chessy looking, you can't wipe it away and there's no blood. Could she possibly be cutting a tooth up there? She has been fussy and drooling the last few days quite a lot, but I've never heard of a molar coming in first or so early. Could it just be sticking out a little? Anything else it could be? If you've had or heard of a baby cutting a molar first (and/or early), please let me know!
Our older daughter got her bottom left molar as her first tooth at 2 months...then nothing else at all until 10 months.
It could also be a cyst. My 3 yr old had them when she was around that age and my 4 month old had one as well. It is just a small white bump that kinda looks like a tooth trying to push through. They are usually found on the gums where teeth grow. If I remember right our doc told us that it is just a build up of cells and that they go away on their own they eventually pop. They are not harmful to your baby and sometimes they don't even notice them. It could possibly be this or it could be a molar. We thought that our daughters was a tooth as well but it just turned out to be a cyst instead.
It sounds like a molar to me! I've even heard of a baby who was born with teeth!! So anything IS possible. Give her 'Highlands tablets' for teething and it also helps her sleep. You should also check with her Pediatrician to be double sure. Poor baby!! :(
my son broke his first tooth at 5 weeks. molars will go up and down multiple times before they break. my youngest cut his first molar at 5 months maybe younger can't remeber for sure. is he teething yes will it break through soon no. the bottom front will probably be the first to come in. but that isn't always the case. molars are harder to cut and take a lot longer to cut. so yes hes teething no a molar wont' come in real soon. start tylenol and teething tablets and i feel for you.
I've never heard of that. I'd take her in to get checked out for thrush.