Hi J.. I can completely relate, but not from your point of view... instead from your daughter's. I was a sleep walker and accident prone from time to time when I was young. This could be from a myriad of things so it may take some investigation from you. Hopefully, and most likely, it's something simple and nothing to concern yourself with. In my case, I was a sleep walker which was not associated with my accidents. My accidents were caused by a renal problem. I was born with a birth defect that makes it hard for me to feel when I need to use the restroom. This was highlighted when I would sleep walk because, as we know, when we are asleep our body is at rest and muscles are more relaxed. Due to my renal problem, I was unaware of the need to use the restroom and as I would sleep walk, my bladdar would reach the point of being full and simply release. My parents tried all the same things you are doing, limiting liquid, making me go to the restroom before bed.. none of this helped much because my body simply wasn't ready to recognise the signals sent by the bladdar that it was full. I would wet the bed if I wasn't sleep walking and this didn't happen every night because my bladdar wasn't always so full that it would just release. This isn't a very common problem, but it does happen so it is a possibility. In time I grew to find other ways to realize when my bladdar was full and my accidents decreased and finally stopped when I was 12 or 13 years old. I suggest continuing to prompt your daughter to use the restroom, before she goes to bed, and maybe again when you go to bed, just to ensure she empties her bladdar as often as she can. Then if this still doesn't stop it you should consider seeing her Ped. to check into other causes, like mine, or other medically related issues that cause night time wetting. Chances are though, her body simply hasn't matured to the level where it is realizing the signals during her rest. Good luck with this, I know it gets frustrating. Above all, please reassure your daughter that everything is ok, she's got nothing to be emabarassed about, etc. I know this was my biggest problem growing up and her self esteem on this issue can have a BIG impact.