My daughter, now 3, was in exactly the same situation at exactly the same age. With the caveat, of course, that every child is different, let me share our experience:
My son walked at 10 months, and as my daughter passed that 10-month mark, I thought "Geez, is this child EVER going to walk?" Then, when she did start walking at around 15 months, her left foot dragged behind her. When she stood, her right foot would be flat on the floor and her left foot would be kind of crooked and only the ball of the foot would rest on the floor. My mom wanted us to take her to the doctor, but my husband and I are "wait and see, it'll all work out" types so we said no, we won't do that. She certainly wasn't in any discomfort or pain, she just dragged that foot. That went on for about 3 months or so. Then it just started getting less and less. She still was a tiptoe walker for awhile, especially on that foot. But now there is no evidence of any foot dragging or turning outward, none at all. She runs, she jumps, everything is fine. Hope that sets your mind at ease.