I think your doing a great job doing what your doing. Sometimes when I make my husbands lunch I put a small love note inside. He thinks its silly but he tells me it makes him feel good. Do you have time for a date night, dinner and a movie?? If that is to expensive then wait until you put your toddler to bed and make a romantic dinner together and rent a movie. Sometimes just really communicating can make someone feel stress free. Doing things together is great and don't do it all yourself. Its ok for him to help when he gets home. I can see your a wonderful wife and I bet he appreciates all that you do. A nice back massage will help him also. Maybe you can get a job selling Avon or something like that. Its actually fun and you can make some money. I did that when I was younger with little ones at home with me. Its something you can do while pregnant. Good luck!