First of all I want to tell you how incredibly sorry I am for your loss. I've lost two babies -- my first was a blighted ovum and my thrid was a m/c 2 days after seeing the heartbeat. I understand completely what you're going through, and honostly, not matter how many children you have dealing with the loss of a baby is the hardest thing you will have to go through. The day my first loss was confirmed was the darkest day I've ever had. I can't beginto even explain, although I'm sure I don't have to. Thinking about it even now, over 3 years and 2 kids later brings tears to my eyes. I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to give me strength to get through it. Instead of giving me strength, God gave me the means to find the strength myself through an incredible online support group for women who have had blighted ovums, and I never could have gotton through my 2 losses or my 2 successfull pregnancies without the ladies on the board. Even though it was created for women with blighted ovums, the women there have faced chemicla pgs, blighted ovums, losses after seeing the heartbeat, even losses after the 1st trimester. Some women have faced multiple losses, while others have faced losses with 2nd or 3rd babies. Basically, it really is a board for everyone. If you're intersted in checking it out, the url is (or googles blighted ovum forum and go to the link from proboards). You don't have to participate, but you may find it helpfull to read posts from other women who've faced the pain you're going through now. I'm one of the moderators on there, and I'll keep and eye out for you (and tell the other moderators the same). My handle is daffylexer. Also, if you just need somone to talk to, please feel free to email anytime ( The one thing I found was that it was easier for me to talk to people who've had losses. Athough my friends and family meant well, there was a "well, you can just try again" attitude, and after a few weeks I could tell they were just sick of hearing me be sad all the time. My SIL went so far as to tell me I didn't really lose a baby. So please don't hesitate to write if you just need to talk to someone who's been through a loss too.
Also, remember to allow yourself all the time you need to grieve. There's no timeline for it, and every one is different. Although it's been 3 years since my first loss and 1 since my second I still cry for my lost little ones. The pain never really goes away, but we all learn to deal with it somehow. It just takes time. Go out and do something nice for yourself -- massage, mani/pedi, etc). I thought the ladies on the boards were crazy when they told me this, but they were right. I had my hair done and I felt great. It was fleeting, and an hour later I was carying again, but it was good to feel good again, even if it was for just an hour. Eventually, you'll start to laugh and feel good again in small increments, and when that happens, dont' feel guilty. I did, and it made it worse. It took awhile for me to accept that it was okay to heal and to feel good again. Eventually those moments of happiness will increase and the pain wont be as bad.
I wish you all the best in your healing and will keep you in my prayers. Remember that although we may not know each other, I'm just an email away if you need me.
Big hugs!