Have you talked to your teacher about what she is doing to avoid the problem in the first place? If she knows that he has anxiety and is frusterated easily, she should make it a point to make sure that he understands the work and takes an extra minute or two to sit with him and explain things fully. I think that their brains are going faster then their bodies and sometimes it is hard for them to catch up. Be patient and try to address it at home as well. Make sure that you explain to him that he doesn't need to cry or get upset, but that he just needs to ask for help. He may not feel comfortable asking at school and that's a whole other issue if he isn't comfortable with his teacher. I am dealing with the same thing with my 5 year old. Just make sure you reinforce his asking for help before he gets so frusterated. He should know how to use his words at this point. Best of Luck!