Hello A.- I have 2 kids also and know that I am definently done having kids. I wanted to get my tubes tied after my 2nd child was born, however the doctor told me since I was only 21 at the time he adviced against it. So, I had the Mirena inserted 7 weeks after my son was born and have had it ever since. It has been so easy. I don't have to worry about taking a pill or changing a patch, nothing. I just recently had a second on inserted about a month ago and have never in the 5+ years I have had it had and issue. I have not had a menstrual cycle since 2003 and it is nice!!! I was alittle worried at first,but it is completely normal. That is the only side effect I have incountered and it's not one I can complain about!!!! I read all the paper work possible on the Mirena and there's not that many side effects. I have a web site if you would like to read up on it more www.simplymirena.com or you can call 888-84-bayer or you can also visit mirena-us.com and if you have any more questions feel free to contact me again!!! Best of Luck!!!