I breast fed both of my boys, also going to mostly pumping when I returned to work with both of them. They did still nurse for bedtime but the rest of the day I pumped - probably also 4 or maybe 5 times a day. I would have to say that in my experience my sons milk needs did not decrease significantly when they started eating solid foods. Maybe because they were also growing at the same time. By the time they were eating enough solids to really make a difference they were also 5-10 pounds heavier and need more substance. If I remember right we stayed pretty much around 32 oz right through the one year mark. I started switching to water or watered down juice but they still drink about 32 or more of something each day. I have to say Great Job on the pumping. For me both times around 6 months old my milk supply began to decrease until I was getting only 8-12 oz a day by the time I stopped at 9 months. I had to supplment with formula. So my only advice would be, beware dropping any pumping sessions if things are going well it case it has a negative affect on your supply. Good Luck!