Get a 2nd and 3rd opinion!
BUT, I must tell you...I am very passionate about this subject.
I was the unlucky product of divorce at the time I needed ortho most. My father decided that my teeth looked fine or would straighten out later even though he was more than capable of paying for ortho--without insurance picking up some of the cost! He sent me to expensive schools, but did not invest in my oral health.
I am now 30, and the lack of ortho in my childhood when it is easier to move and adjust teeth has been expensive and painful for me as an adult. Had we trusted our ortho and done the work when I was younger, this would have been avoided. Its all water under the bridge for me now and I can afford it without insurance, but just so you are aware, with 3 oral surgeries, having been in braces 3 years and most likely at least another year, it has cost over $10,000 out of pocket, not to mention the cost of my time out of work, the pain meds, and the hassle of all the associated attention to oral health daily and nightly.
Find opinions that correlate from about 3 dentists/orthodontists and select one you feel comfortable with; consider it an investment in your child's future.
My crooked teeth may not have necessarily cost me an account or a client or a romantic relationship, but I spent years wondering if it did or would, and finally started the ortho work when I knew I can afford to do so. I went in at the right time because the fact I had not done procedures I should have in my youth was going to screw up my jawline and cause harm to my overall teeth settings.
I hate to see your child in that predicament if you are fortunate enough to have insurance that can help pay for it...plus, self-esteem from a painless and pretty mouth is priceless.