Hi! I was on Depo for seven years but one thing I want to bring up is that it has been recently discovered that Depo can cause permenant bone loss vs. temporary.... Other than that, it's more of a long term solution....After being on it that long, it took a full year (still sans period) before I saw a dr who tried to trigger my cycles to restart, then I bled for a month, had to see another dr who had to put me on birth control to restart my cycle for another 3 months and then took another 10 months before we got pregnant....
After my DD was born I refused to go on chemical birth control (told my hubby to suck it up and use the barrier methods)....when we tried for our second it took only 1 try...
If you are looking for probably a year or more, Depo would probably be a good option but possibly difficult to get pg within a time frame (guaranteed)....barrier methods and knowing your cycles would probably be the most control...
Needless to say, I personally am never going back to depo, nor am I gung ho on recommending it-good luck though!!