I know 7 people that have tried it. ALL of them had great results and were pleased with the program. I have only heard good things about it.
I am thinking of joining Weight Watchers. Has anyone here had any luck? Does it really work?
Thank you Mamas. I am going to join right after the forth of July!!!
I know 7 people that have tried it. ALL of them had great results and were pleased with the program. I have only heard good things about it.
Yes! I did WW after both my kids, lost all the weight I had gained. Great program, teaches you how to eat and portion control. It is well worth the money.
I am getting ready to start after 4th of July, as I have several family/friends that have had great success with it, including one that lost 100 pounds in a year and one that has lost about 50 lbs. Even my mom, who is in her 60's has started it and has lost 20 lbs.
As with anything, though, you have to apply yourself 100% if you want it to work. I think the only way you'd fail is if you weren't totally committed.
I haven't used WW but SparkPeople is a FREE website full of supportive people, recipes, exercise videos, fitness articles, etc. You might want to check it out first www.sparkpeople.com
Yes! I did it last year and I lost 20 pounds! I went to the meetings and did the weigh ins through them because I liked the idea of someone actually looking at your weight every week. It motivated me even more! If you just stick to it.....you will loose!
I've heard good results from friends. I think it's simple "one point, three points, etc" and therefore not as tedious as calorie counting. But if you don't do WW, I just downloaded a free app that counts the calories for me. You just type in your weight, height, etc and tell the app how much weight you want to lose and how fast. Each day you are allotted a certain number of calories. You input the foods you eat and the exercise you do and it calculates it all for you. (So far I've gone over my calorie intake by 150 calories or so each day. Yikes! And I haven't been snacking either. Really helps you look at where you eat all your calories - me a lot in my sweet tea and sweet coffee). I just searched "free" and "calorie counter". The one I got is called "My Fitness Pal."
Yes, I joined WW online, and it works very well. You have to be committed to recording your food intake. but as long as you do that and follow the guidlines, you will lose weight. It is a plan that puts control in your hands, so it is non restrictive. I've lost 12 lbs in the past 2 months.
We have a good friend couple that have been on it for about 6 mos now with great results. It works if you stick to it.
I did it and lost 55 lbs. But you still need the personal motivation and will power.
Not for me but I could see where it could really work for many people. I am just not disciplined enough to track my points every day. What would happen is I would do well all day and then accidentally eat something that would screw my points up and then bag it for the day.
What I really think it will be good for is to help people who are not healthy eaters eat better. Since vegetables and stuff are low points you almost have to use them to fill up.
I did the original WW 40 years ago. It taught me how to eat properly. I lost 85 lbs. on it. So here I am 40 years later and four kids and I am only 20 lbs heavier. Not bad considering everything plus menopause. I swear I have
that diet imbeded in my brain. It worked well. The WW cookbook has many creative recipes. Good luck.
It works if you're consistent with it. I can do really well when I stick to it 100%, but I can never seem to do that for longer than a couple of weeks. I have a problem with portion control with certain foods (carbs, sweets) so I do better when I eliminate them from my diet completely.