Definitely follow Diane's advice! She knows what she is talking about.
I have had 3 babies and gained a considerable amount of weight with each one. To lose the weight, I have tried Weight Watchers and plain old calorie counting. I have gotten good results from both. I noticed that that nagging hungry feeling usually goes away about a week into dieting. However, in January I got kind of hard-core to lose those holiday pounds. I ate only fruits and vegetables, brown rice, lentils, sunflower seeds for about a month. No sugar, flour, dairy, meat, no processed foods at all. I was really surprised that I was full ALL THE TIME because my serving sizes were big and all the food was so fiber-rich. I started counting up the calories and I realized I was feeling really full with the same amount of calories on this very fiber-rich diet, as opposed to using the very same # of calories on other things. For instance, I used to buy the Smart Ones frozen meals and one of those would be my lunch. They are a little under 300 calories. For that same 300 calories I can have a cup and a half of homemade carrot soup, a big green salad with 2 cups lettuce, cucumber or tomato, a tablespoon of sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup grapes, strawberries or mango, a small drizzle of agave nectar and some balsamic vinegar. I would be stuffed after this 2nd lunch, where after the Smart Ones I could probably eat 2 of them and still want dessert. So if I were you, I would start trying to fill up on fiber-rich foods and avoid processed foods, even if they are labeled as "diet". Good luck!