Diet pills aren't good for you. They are hard on your heart and nervous system.
You might be able to find a natural appetite suppressant at the health food store, but really, there are lots of natural appetite suppressants. Water, fruit, vegetables.....
Pretzels are a zero fat snack, but be careful if you are watching your sodium.
You might be able to cut calories in ways you hadn't thought of. For instance, drink only black coffee. If you love caffeinated beverages, like I do, you can have zero calorie seltzer water and add a dash of fruit juice or lemon, oranges or lime for flavor. I like it just plain. I'm not after the sugar or flavor, just the bubbles.
If you can, take the kids for a walk BEFORE dinner. It gets your metabolism going, you may feel less hungry due to the endorphins, and you get some exercise in. Give yourself a cut-off time each night in which you can't eat afterwards unless it's an apple, some orange slices, or celery sticks.
Changing what you eat and when can make all the difference. No pill will help you to do that. I had a friend who actually gained weight on diet pills because she felt she had to eat in order not to feel dizzy and jittery. When her doctor told her she would have to go on high blood pressure medication, she quit taking them.
It's just my opinion, but diet pills aren't the answer. I got pneumonia and lost 14 pounds. I don't recommend that either.
Best wishes.