This is how my sister and I both labor - we start dilating very early.
We are always 7 or 8 cm at least when we go into actual active labor, and she was induced both times and myself twice so it may have been even more if labor happened spontaneously.
I am not a Dr. and I don't know what yours says about you specifically. In my case and my sisters it just means we have short labors. The baby isn't going to fall out : ) I was never worried nor did I go on bed-rest, I certainly wasn't running marathons - but I did live my normal day to day life went on walks regularly etc..and towards the end my body let me know when too much was too much and if I needed to slow down and rest.
Hope everything works out for you. If I were you I would also ask them not to check me again, why mess around with things up there anymore? Ask them why they need to check.
Good luck!