Your son and my daugher are cut from the same cloth. :-) Sophie crawled at 4 months and walked at 9 months and 6 days old. She has always been a very active child...climbing, jumping, running now...spinning, you name it, she does it. HOWEVER...first and foremost you are the Mother. It is a prooven thing that children NEED rules and boundries to feel and BE safe. You are in no way stifling your child when you set boundries. Sophie has a structured life of rules that she has to follow or there are consequences. Most are to keep her safe. (example, no way is she allowed to pull chairs anywhere to climb up on this sets the president to pull chairs anywhere she can and it could be a hot stove, or the medicine cabinet etc) Some rules are because I love my house and my furniture, and no matter how hard a two year old (or any age person) tries, accidents happen, so in my house, you only eat in the kitchen. Besides, it is SO MUCH HARDER to break a bad habit later, so as hard as it seems to enforce it, know it will be 10 times harder to break it later when they are older. As the get older, they get mentally stronger and MORE willful, so NOW IS THE TIME to set rules and stick to them consistantly. Even with Sophie's rules, she is in no way stifeled. She can throw a ball forward, balance on balance beams, do front tucks on balance beams, she knows colors, numbers to 20 and can appily them, loves to paint, chalk, and do all that crazy active stuff. We joined The Little Gym,,which is a class made for kids like ours. She is not afraid to do ANYTHING...and it is a safe environment in which to climb, tumble, flip, balnace, fly, you name it. You also learn, as the Mom, how to spot these activities at home to keep your little one safe. "No" is not a bad word. In the real world, they will hear the word "NO" and there are rules to follow as a young child and teenager and adult in the real world. It is only common sense to enforce that concept as soon as possible so our children are prepared for the world that is out it is not a shock to them. Besides, without rules and the word NO,,,my Sophie would be unbarable, and she would run our house. My Mom's famous phrase is 'if you can't control them and have them listen to you at 2, what are you going to do when they are 13, 14 etc?" Imagine a teenage with no rules. OMGoodness. Scary stuff. Anyway...I TOTALLY know how you feel some days. Sometimes its all I can do to keep up with her....and I due to have our second child, our son in 5 I am especially tired lately....but God gives us what we can handle,,,that is what my friends tell me,,so somewhere inside you and I is the knowledge of exactly what to do with our Little Monkeys :-) Write anytime,,even just to vent a tough day,,,cause I know those exist :-) Many Blessings. Jenny