I don't have any now (sniff) but what was standard when I did was that each room had a "pile". Any clutter left out and about would be piled in a certain area of the room. LR, stuff was stacked on one couch cushion. Bedrooms on the foot of the bed. Dining room on one chair.
As long as my clutter wasn't bigger than about 2x2, we were good to go.
In FACT that's how I clean, now. I go into every room and move EVERYTHING that doesn't belong onto 1 flat surface, and throw away all garbage that snuck in. (2-5 minutes) Then, I clean the room, then I put all the wandering dodads away.
My cleaners always went by time spent... so if I'd had a gravity storm in one room (I'm ADHD, gravity storms are a frequent geometeorological hazard) and they spent 20 minutes picking up stuff (not putting it away, just stacking it neatly elsewhere), I paid the extra 20 minutes. I knew them and trusted them, and they knew me and liked me. And they had me trained quite quickly. I learned to "blitz" the house before they came. Susan always used to laugh, because I'd just go room by room and stack my clutter, like she did... until I did every room, then come back and put it away. (I'd sometimes be doing this while they were there)... but I ALWAYS missed some. And qute frankly, I sometimes just left the stack there, because I wouldn't really see it. "You're cheating R., those books were there last week, if they're still there next week I'm borrowing one if they're that good.". Other times, I wouldn't have time to get to a room so I'd cross it off of their list of things to do "Not the laundry room today, ladies. There was a flock of migratory sweaters I haven't managed to chase away yet."
They'd stack my clutter, but clutter was *my* job, cleaning was theirs