Honestly...... No. I know that's horrible but true. I just didn't have the energy to fight with them . I waited untill they showed an interest in brushing. In my defense though, my kids received dental care since they were 1 & I was completely honest & told them I didn't brush. To my surprise , the Hygenist didn't beat me up about it ( think she was shocked , I told the truth). I told her , that I try to practice other good dental habits, to combat the lack of brushing. My kids have never gone to bed with a bottle. I give the crunchy , fresh veggies & apples ( natures tooth brush). The Hygenist told me he had better teeth , than most toddlers , that parents " brush" twice a day. The dentist didn't say a word to me about lack of brushing & said his teeth looked great. Am I just lucky my kids have had great teeth... Probably but I wanted to tell my experience. My youngest is 2.5 now & is an eager brusher.