Work M-W, or W-F.
Every other day you don't get to actually TRANSITION, you can't save work for tomorrow (because you won't be there), and your coworkers can't "catch you in the morning" 3 days a week (instead of 1 day a week). Plus, on the days you're home, because you don't have the transition time, you're just gearing up to work the next day. You don't have time to get your head in the game, or out of the game.
Every other day schedules are just as HARD as it comes. When people split a job, that's why they work days in a row, as well... and it's why montessori preschools (and a few other childhood edu mods) insist on 2 or 3 days in a row.
When I'm in school, it's actually EASIER to take 2 classes (1 M&W, and 1 Tu&Th) than it is to just take 1 class. It's the fluidity of the schedule in knowing that for days 1-4 my schedule is the same.
Work M-Th or Tu-Fri (depending on the busiest day at work) and take 3 day weekends. This is one of those "great" things to spin to your boss (since we're slammed right now, blah blah blah), but INSIST that it's either Monday or Friday that you have off... or you may as well work 5 days a week. A day off in the middle of the week and you'll just end up stressing the same way you are now).
I LOVED this schedule when I had it so much it's how I arrange my life, currently. Friday is "Mommy & Kiddo Day". Just US. Something to reeeeeally look forward to. To bank on.
Point being; I don't think there's anything wrong with you. On PAPER M/W/Fri sounds great because you're there for the beginning and end of the week, and have a day in the middle to "stay abreast" of what's going on. And you're with you kid throughout the week off and onYou've just found out why "off and on" -for most people- that only looks good on paper, and the reality is stressful and awful.