lisa; yes i have washed tennis shoes, take the laces out and open up their toungue, ( the flap over top) and put them in wash machine, however they are very noisy when put in the dryer, so i have devised a way to dry my tennis shoes in the dryer, take an old pair of nylons, put one tennis shoe down one leg, you are NOT wearing them, hahaahah put another shoe down the other leg at the same spot then take those shoes in their little nylon sleeve, and put them on the inside of the dryer door, and then pull the panty part above the tennis shoes , and the lower part of leg below the tennnis shoes around the dryer door, and tie them together, then run your dryer, this allows air to flow around them without them bumping horribly around in the dryer, also throw the laces in the wash, i usually tie them together so they dont get lost, have fun and hope it works, my son has a white pair of tennis shoes, he washes them with a rag to get dirt off them then he uses shoe polish to finish them off to give that white look again, have fun and hope it works for yah, D. s