Hi S., I am a mom of a 9 year old girl who was diagnosed with UC 2 years ago. Prior to that she was the picture of good health - never even taking an antibiotic. What I've learned over the past couple of years is that it's an autoimmune disease so her immune system attacks her colon. I don't buy into any of the advice about what she eats - when she experiences a flare it comes on over a period of time, not just after she's eaten. When a flare is coming up we find that she starts experiencing stomach aches and we notice her eating habit change. I try to go with what she communicates because I do believe her body is telling her to slow down with her eating and it knows what it can tolerate. During a flare is the only time we regulate her diet but to be honest her body regulates it because she really doesn't eat much and tends to lose weight. The key seems to be figuring out the medication. We had a bad experience with Imuran as it turned her immune system off and she had to be hospitalized as she literally stopped making new blood cells - very scary. However, we don't like Predisone and are very adverse to Remicade so following a flare in January, we're trying her on Imuran again but at 1/6th of the dose from last year. When she has stomach aches she likes to lie down with a heating pad and she even sleeps with one so she can use it if she wakes up with a stomach ache.
It's really hard with the little ones because they can't communicate what they're feeling and we don't know because we don't have UC. We did attend a symposium a while back and learned about probiotics from a UC Davis doctor. We also worked with a doctor from India who said this is almost non-existent in her country and they take a probiotic daily. So, we're using one we buy on the internet - can't say for sure it works but it seems to make sense to build up her gut with good stuff.
Hope this helps a little bit. I know the CCFA has an upcoming patient-doctor symposium in August of this year - not sure if it's in Sacramento (I'm in Elk Grove) but it helped my husband and I to hear information from doctors who specialize in this condition. Also, the CCFA has teleconferences from time to time where doctors do presentations on the disease and medical options.
Lisa from EG