Hang in there. I stupidly started smoking again after I quit nursing and I know that I am going to have to quit again soon. It's going to be difficult! I love smoking too, but you've worked too hard to go back. I'm not sure the cravings will ever go away. My uncle hasn't smoked in over 20 years but he says he still wants to every now and again. My dad always told me, there is no such thing as quitting; once you start smoking, you are always a smoker just waiting until the next smoke. Some people wait 1 year, some wait 20, some wait forever. Be that person that waits forever! You can do it! My best friend has been smoke free for 6 years now and I don't think she'll ever do it again! I'm proud of you for quitting and I hope I find the courage to do it again soon as well!