J. - I've had to do a lot of hunting in the last few years for insurance, and just this month my husband's HSA plan goes into effect. This is our first HSA, but Ramsey's right- it's ideal for young healthy people because you're not sending away hundreds each month for insurance you'll never use. We found a great plan with Group Health, and since my hubby has only seen a dr twice in the last four years, it's no big deal for us to switch to their doctors. (You can keep your own, but they then pay less on the claim.) I found it on their website, applied online, and they sent me the paperwork. Really easy. It'll be something like $68/month compared to over $100 before. However, the deductible is $500 higher than before ($2000 vs. $1750), but if he's in an accident or suddenly gets really sick, we figure we'd be paying in installments forever, anyway!
Now, you can use the plan without setting up the actual account. An HSA is only going to help you if you're regularly putting money into it, so I'd suggest setting up an automatic transfer of $xx every two weeks (or whatever) to make it as painless as possible. This should be a tax free account - money going in is before taxes, and not taxed when you withdraw it - but we're still looking to figure out how to make all that work. I hope the bank will help us when we go in to set up the account!
FYI, I have separate insurance because there is no maternity coverage on the plan we bought for my husband, it's a Regence Blue Shield plan.
Feel free to send me a separate message if you have a more specific question. I've worked in insurance billing for a long time.