There are so many times.
When I hear a business has opened and is doing well, I think wow, how amazing to be able to own any business you can think of. That is not allowed everywhere.
When I am at our school football games and the school bands are playing our National Anthem and everybody in the stands and on the field are together for those moments standing and singing. I feel proud and patriotic, I usually get a little weepy and love the giant cheer at the end..
When I see a school community at a carnival or fair, working together to support the school and even the neighbors with no children are there volunteering at the public school, available to all students, both sexes.. In some countries this is not available to everybody.
On Sundays when I pass all of the difference Religious places and see all of the cars and the diverse people coming together, even though I am not really religious, I think wow, how great to be in a country where you can believe in what fills your spirit..
Right now the College students have filled up our city and to see them all at the grocery store with all of the foods and fruits available from all over the world. I told my husband "stop and look around at the variety of people here today."
All ages, all nationalities...All of the languages.. We were saying, "imagine, lots of these people chose to be here to be educated!" They have traveled and sacrificed to come to the US and to our state and our city..
I feel very fortunate to be an American, I never take it for granted. Amazing!