My oldest had a horrible time teething, she would cut 2 or more at a time, so I guess it went quicker...but she was truly miserable. She would get fever, vomit, diarrhea, rash. You name it she would get it. i was constantly taking her to the doctor just to make sure. Trust me you can't take them in enough, Pediatricians know just by the nature of business that they will always have cautious moms. My pedi, was grateful for the cautious or over cautious moms, than the ..."uuhh, ooh well..." kind of moms.
I am not saying that your little one is only teething only the Doc. can do that. I Can only tell you what has been my experience.
To help her get through it I would let her munch on "otter pops" and theether biscuits, and if I thought she needed it I would give her pedialyte pops. Keep her bottom as dry as I can, and lots of holding and hugging.
Good luck, and I wish your little one quick teething.