I have not used dollar store ovulation tests, but I have used even cheaper ones from ebay. They work. It's all the same technology.
I swear by the dollar store pregnancy tests, but am unsure about the ovulation tests. We are ttc and if they work I'd love to save some money! Any knowledge?
I have not used dollar store ovulation tests, but I have used even cheaper ones from ebay. They work. It's all the same technology.
I did Basil Body Temperature, easy and all you need is a thermometer, and I made my own tracking chart, which you can now print off the internet, I got easily pregnant with all three of my kids. cheap and easy, and most of all accurate! you can get info from tcoyf.com I read the book that started the website (years ago) Taking Charge of Your Fertility it's a great source of info! best of luck!
They are worth a try, but if you don't have any success then get a digital fertility monitor-those work!! That's how we got our daughter! :-)
I read in Consumer reports that the $1 store varieties are as good as any....it's all the same technology as Megan states.
The difference is that larger stores are sellling 'hope' to wanna be families and $1 stores are selling despair to couples who don't want to be parents.