First of all, a side-by-side stroller is not necessarily a jogging stroller. Jogging strollers have larger wheels for a smoother ride, and they typically have a hand brake for quick stops. You can find three wheeled strollers, or side-by-sides that are not technically "jogging" strollers, and they will probably cost you less.
I would start on Chicco's website. See what kinds of doubles they offer that are made for their seats. From there, I would google "double jogging stroller car seat compatible" and see what comes up. I think you are more likely to find a double jogging stroller that has an infant insert rather than one that takes a car seat. The insert looks like a little hammock and has a 5-point harness for baby. I think many double joggers offer them. The nature of a jogging stroller is that it is for jogging, so they try to keep things light and moveable. I would guess there aren't many that would accommodate a car seat, but I know several brands will take an infant insert. If you can find the stroller at a local store, that is best. Take your car seat in and make sure it fits. Walk the stroller around. Fold it up. Do some quick turn and stop maneuvers and see how it handles.
The easiest options I found was suggested on a stroller store website - recline the seat flat, add an infant body insert (like you can buy for car seats), and let baby lie down flat in the seat. They aren't really in a pumpkin car seat for very long anyway, so why spend $1000 to find a stroller that accommodates one?
Best of luck,
S. L