I did this with my son for the first 4 months because we were instructed to (he had problems gaining weight and needed the extra calories). My son gave it up without a problem. We just stopped doing it and he continued sleeping through the night.
You could try the cold turkey stop and if it doesn't work wean them, eliminating 1 oz every 3 or 4 days. When you get down to 1 oz, if they wake for that feeding offer 1 oz of water. We did this when trying to extend my son's sleeping an extra hour in the morning and it only took 2 days of it. (he was waking at 5 for a bottle, then going back to sleep, but then I have to get him up at 6:45 to leave so I can go to work)
**Editted to respond to Dorothy's response**
There is no need for a baby to eat overnight unless they have medical conditions. I have never heard of the glucose issue she discusses except in diabetics.
Also, milk has sugar in it, and the sugar in milk, juice and candy are bad for teeth. We began brushing my son's gums at 4 months, as soon as the first lumps appearred, L. before the teeth actually came through the gums. My niece had to have 4 fillings at the age of 3 because of drinking too much juice and going to bed without brushing after her last drink. I refuse to let that be my son's issue!
Also, she mentioned about limiting juice to 6 oz a day. Most pediatrician's will tell you to avoid juice altogether except to aid constipation. Juice has no nutritional value for infants/toddlers and is simply empty calories that are known to lead to obesity.