Wish I could be of some help. Unfortunately, I am going through a lot of the same things with my 4 year old daughter. I seriously think she has some sensory issues and I'm going to make an appointment with her doctor to see what she thinks. Our biggest issue is putting on socks and shoes. Most of the time if we even mention putting on socks and shoes she has a meltdown. One of her dresser drawers is full of different kinds of socks. I've even ordered special socks for her without seams and those don't feel right on her feet either. She absolutely will not put socks on herself so we just have to do it for her and then we're lucky if the socks stay on her feet all day when she's at school. There is only one pair of shoes that she will consider wearing right now and it's hard enough to get her to put them on without crying. She would be happiest if she could wear flip flops every day but it's too cold for that right now and she's not allowed to wear them to school either. The last couple of weeks she's started throwing fits sometimes when she puts pants on. When I ask her what's wrong she cries that they just don't feel right. Good luck!