My little guy would vomit every time he got a bad ear infection. That's how I knew it wasn't just a minor infection.
Hi moms! I was just wondering if any of you have had a child who suffered from an ear infection and nausea at the same time? Did it seem like the ear infection is what caused the nausea? My three year old was just diagnosed with his first ear infection...so we have no experience here! But he is also throwing up a little...not that often but enough. The pediatrician didn't seem worried so I was just looking for other moms that have had experience with ear infections! Thanks!!
After one day on the antibiotics he was back to his old self! Thank you so much for all your wonderful advice and examples!! :)You moms rock!! :)
My little guy would vomit every time he got a bad ear infection. That's how I knew it wasn't just a minor infection.
Hi T.,
I work in the alternative world of healing and I can tell you from the books I read ear aches are always about, anger, not wanting to hear, too much turmoil, parents arguing...Please let me know if you have any other questions.
It doesn't seem likely that the 2 are related. However, is it possible your child is eating something they are allergic to? Food allergies are common causes of ear infections.
I can be normal. Of course he could have a virus on top of it. Ear infections are behind the ear drum where the semi ciruclar canals are. Semi circular canals are where we get a lot of our balance so it can make us nauseated. Make sure he stays hydrated and if it goes on longer than three days take him back. Good luck. It's hard with a sick little one
I agree with one of the other ladies here about the balance and the equilabriums sorry about the spelling. Also if the ear infection last more than 3 days I would take him back, my son had alot of ear infections but no nausea either. Ever since my son has had his adnoids and tonsils removed he's had no more ear infections. He now also has tubes in his ears. He has not had an ear infection since.
Could the meds be upsetting his stomach? I've had lots of ear infection experience but don't remember nausea...
I have not heard of that, but it makes sense that there could be a connection as the sense of balance and equilibrium is determined in the ear. If the ear infection affects that aera, he could feel a little dizzy which could lead to the nausea.
Hi T.!
What I've found that has worked for any infection is two drops of oregano in juice. I get it at vitamin world. I'm sure Hi Health carries it too. You give it to them a about 2-3 times a day for a week. Then the infection should be gone. I also use for ear aches, Wally's Ear Oil. This is also found at any health store. It calms and soothes the ear. Hope this helps you out!
We just went throught that. My daughter is 15 months and we went from a common cold to a stomach virus(which wasn't fun cause I had it at the same time and my husband had it a few days earlier then us) to an ear infection all within two weeks. My mom says that a cold can lead to an ear infection. I took her to the doctor who give us some medince and with-in a day she was back to herself.
My oldest has somewhat weak stomach and always has nausea whenever her temperature is on its way up--with ear infections and anything else that causes fevers. Up until she was about 5, vomiting was always my first sign that she was going to have a fever--as soon as her temperature would start to rise she would get throw-up and within about 10-15 minutes she would have a fever. At 6, she doesn't usually vomit with her fevers anymore, but she still tells me that she feels like she's going to throw-up whenever she has a fever.
Totally normal. The equalibrium (sp?) controls your balance & that is located in your ear and if you have pain etc it can make you not balanced, aka funny hence nausea.
Adult ear infection....killed me. I know.=)