I know my mom did it to me when i was 2 and my friends have done it when they were infants.
As for me i didnt want to put her through any undue pain.
I am not against pierced ears at all.
I am just going to wait for her to get older and ask for it. I will explain the process that it will hurt and it is a responsiblitly to keep it cleaned and to turn them daily. If she really wants them she will be fully aware.
Then we will take her. I feel at this age there is no reason for earings any way...they usually put on clip ons. Heck I dont wear earing myself...allergic now :-(
If you choose to do it...I reccomend having them do both at the same time. If they do one and she freaks she most likely wont let them do the other ear.
Good luck!