Hi J.,
I just went through this with my 2 yr old son too. He is getting a combination of speech and Occupational Therapy.
My world was turned upside down when they told me to seek an EI evaluation. Today, I can tell you that it was the best thing ever. My son is now speaking and communicating with me. He is not so frustrated and he is much more happier. By the way, there is nothing neourologically wrong with him.
When he gets evaluated through EI, he gets various types of evaluations (social, development, speech, etc) all depending on what is recommended by the service coordinator. All the evaluations are then collected and the agency conducting the evaluations, someone from the health dept and the service coordinator will have a meeting with you to let you know what they recommend.
It is all free, voluntary to you and there is no labelling of your child.
I hope I helped you feel better. S.