Easy Bake ovens are NOT all they are cracked up to be.
If your daughter is well used to using the real kitchen, at 11, she seems a bit old for an Easy Bake. To me, that would be like buying her a tricycle for Christmas when she's clearly outgrown one.
I would find her a cute apron and some of her own baking utensils and a cookbook. I have some of the most darling heartshaped cake pans, tart tins, mini muffin pans, etc. Since she clearly has a love and desire to bake, I would get her some of her own "big girl" things like cookie cutters, a cake decorating kit that includes different frosting tips so she can learn to make rosettes and things like that. Get her a box of ginger cookie mix. Make sure you have everything for her to make and decorate some sugar cookies like an array of different sprinkles and things so she can set to work using them to bake for you on Christmas over the rest of the holidays.
She may be disappointed if she doesn't get an Easy Bake, but she'll be disappointed if she does get one. It's not so much an oven as it is a toy and I think she would grow bored with it very, very quickly.
Just my opinion.
Best wishes.